Way too much time has passed since my last blog post, although there have been many times I have wanted to sit down and share some news. I guess there is always that nagging worry that my posts are not “good enough” to share, so I don’t.
I do, however, have a few happy events to share, so I will worry less about the quality and just focus on sharing the news.
In the Summer, an opportunity presented itself to me to provide soap, wholesale, to a vintage resale store. I had been looking for just such an opportunity and jumped at the chance. Happily, I was one of two soapers chosen to partner with the store. My soaps were well received and customers quickly developed a few favorites.
In the months that have passed, I have filled many orders and recently the owner of the store expressed their intention to have me as the sole provider of soaps for the store. I am so happy about this … ecstatic!
Should you ever find yourself in the town of Boonton, New Jersey, you should look up this store: Savannah Hope Vintage. They sell a wonderfully eclectic mix of antique, vintage, recycled, repurposed and handmade gifts and home décor. Oh, and pick up a couple of my bars of soap too!
You can view their Facebook page here: SavannahHopeVintage.
Currently, I am working on two projects simultaneously: I am working on getting together a variety of goodies to sell at the South River Elementary School Holiday Bazaar. I have done this every year since my kids were students in that school and thoroughly enjoy watching the kids painstakingly choose gifts for their loved ones. It’s not often that kids get a fistful of Dollars to spend on whatever they choose without the watching eye of Mom or Dad. If only Mom and Dad could see with what care these kids pick out the gifts, or the excitement in their faces at being able to freely shop, I am sure they would get tears in their eyes. I usually sell more candles than anything else at this event and also have about twenty different scents from which to pick. Watching the kids smell – very carefully – each and every scent (sometimes twice) before picking the one they think Mom, or Grandma will like always puts a grin on my face. Precious!
The other project I am working on is putting together the orders for the candle fundraiser for the L’Anse Creuse High School Winter Guard. This is also something I have done ever since my daughter was a member of the Winter Guard, even though now she is a sophomore in college. I like being able to help out.
And, as always, I have to go make more soap!
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